Legal terms

  • 27/11/2020

The website of Valfredo Bessa e Grazziano Advogados ( is solely intended to provide institutional information on the firm and its members. No content or material available on this website, including institutional newsletters, bulletins and articles written by members of Valfredo Bessa e Grazziano Advogados, should be interpreted or purport to serve as a legal opinion or advice. For legal counsel on specific matters, please contact our attorneys.

The content and materials available on this website are protected by intellectual property laws and cannot be reproduced and/or distributed without the express consent of Valfredo Bessa e Grazziano Advogados.

Valfredo Bessa e Grazziano Advogados disclaims any responsibility or liability for information available on third-party websites linked to our website. Further, Valfredo Bessa Advogados makes no representation about the accuracy of information on seminars and other events organized by third parties.